Comments from readers

I'm a 64 years old lady who worked as a qualified nurse for nearly 40 years. Taking retirement at 60 years I thought I had many years left to enjoy. I had suffered with tremors for a few years, but just thought that was me. During pandemic tremors became worse so I eventually visited GP. My sister had passed away with MND a year before so I was referred to Neurologist. I waited for 7 months for appointment and was told last November I have Parkinsons. I have found your wonderful words an inspiration to keep going, it's so easy to sit and give in, but I won't. I forget things, some thing I admit to never having done whilst nursing, I walk with a funny gait, but I'm still doing it, even after falling. I know a fair bit about Parkinsons, but I am also learning so much more. The major symptom for me is the fatigue, I've always been active, but some days it's a push. Please keep your wonderful words coming as they keep me going. Many thanks from Sadie xxxx

Inside my mind made me laugh and cry. Thank you 🙏

Love your poems Kate

When will your 3rd book be available. Jan

I have read both your books now, I think they are authentic and beautifully written. Thank you Jackie young onset Parkinson's.

You inspire me friend. Ian.

Hubby ordered me your two books so looking forward to arriving tomorrow. Xxx

Finished What If and just about finished Inside my Mind. Both brilliant. I've told my nursing friends to get copies as they really help you understand about the disease, progression and how important timely medications are. I have learnt so much from them about mental states. Thank you so much for putting these thoughts into easy language that others can understand. Xx