"What If?": A Collection of Poems by Graham Thomson, 'The Parkie Poet'

I simply love writing and reading poetry; also you can't get any better than sitting with a coffee in a cafe watching the world go about its business. Life is full of twists and turns; my life changed in 2015 when I received my diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease. Life has since thrown up many challenges but the silver lining is life is slower so i get to spend more time enjoying my greatest passion: writing. I always have pen and pad with me just in case This book is a result of my writing to date. I really hope you enjoy my thoughts poems and short stories. I'm sure fellow Parkies will be able to relate to some of the stories, but the book is for everyone. No offence is ever intended so please put your feet up pour a coffee and enjoy. My thanks go to Emma and Gary Thomson, my wonderful children, for encouraging me when life was particularly challenging, and my friend Fran for her invaluable advice and positive energy. Life is Good so let's live in the moment.

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Inside My Mind Paperback – 27 Jun. 2023

I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 2015. Parkinson's dementia in 2021. my first book called " What If " was published in January 2023, it is a book of poetry short stories and life observations. Writing is my passion and it is what keeps my brain working, I take each day as it comes and i am so happy that i have been able to finish my second book, Inside My Mind. This book is for everyone, you don't have to have Parkinson's or know anything about the disease to enjoy my book. I have tried to make it about life as I see it and how I get my feelings and thoughts and emotions either in poetry or short stories or life observations in print for you to enjoy. Politics, Religion, Relationships, Life Lessons, Life Observations and Quotes. and of course my expert subject Parkinson's Disease, I was a volunteer educator with Parkinson's UK, but everything in my book is strictly my observation and my take on different subjects. My hope is you will find reading the book passionate, funny, sad, happy, a mixture of human emotions. I thank everyone who read and gave me feedback on my first book, and I thank everyone who has again supported me this time round, without your love this second book would not be possible. Through the good times and the hard times I am blessed to have my two amazing children by my side offering love and support, to Emma and Gary i love you both more than words can say. I hope you all enjoy Inside My Mind and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or just to reach out. Please join me on my continuing Journey down life's unpredictable streets. No offence is ever intended.

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Finally Awake

Graham Thomson aka the parkie poet I have published two previous books on Amazon called " What if? " and " Inside my Mind " both were books filled with poems short stories and life observations. My poetry is still very important to me and I continue to write and be inspired, no subject is off topic and i enjoy performing my work to a live audience. This book however is a marked change in what i have written before, in reality it has taken a few years to build up the courage to express my thoughts and memories on paper for the whole world to see. but I think my story growing up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in the 1960s and 1970s is a story worth telling. Especially the 70s pre Armageddon years, and how the whole organisation and their beliefs influenced me and affected me growing up and later in years when I had my own children. even now the range of emotions I felt while writing my story came flooding back to me which took me slightly by surprise. You do not have to be, or have been involved with the Jehovah's Witnesses to read my story you will still see them on street corners with their magazines the Watchtower and the Awake all over the world. My life as I write this book is good, I am in my 64th year divorced twice, but am blessed to have the continued support from my children Emma and Gary, without them nothing would seem possible. I have been living with Parkinson's Disease since 2015 and Parkinson's Dementia since 2021, and more recently Prostate Cancer, but I still enjoy life to the full and I am surrounded with great friends and Family, living just outside Edinburgh Scotland I still feel I have a few books left in me to write. I hope reading Finally Awake can make a difference to even one persons life and let them know that they are not alone and they are welcome to contact me if they would would like to discuss further. This is my story and my truth the names of certain people have obviously been changed My writing keeps me sane and keeps the wheels of my mind turning.

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